Cybersecurity Fundamentals

​2023 | Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) 

DISCLAIMER: This course feature three videos from a cybersecurity organization, ProofPoint. I had nothing to do with the creation/development of the ProofPoint videos.

Project Overview

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, users are able to:

1. Identify common cyberattacks.

2. Implement cybersecurity practices to prevent potential future cyberattacks.

Project Details

Software: Illustrator, Premiere Pro and Articulate Rise

Deliverables: Illustrations, Videos, SCORM package (course), and companion materials

Audience: All MPS employees

Duration: 35 minutes

Custom Video

Lesson 7 | Strong Passphrases

Custom Artwork

Lesson 8 | Cybersecurity Proven Practices

Lesson 8 featured "proven practices" or actions which the user can implement into their daily life. I really wanted this content to stick with the learners post-training. Knowing that a principle of adult learning is to present information in two different ways (reading text and taking in visual representation) to improve retention, I decided to create custom illustrations for each practice (using Adobe Illustrator).

Never click on suspicious links or attachments (there could be malware).

Avoid opening emails that go to your junk/spam folder.

Do not share your account, password or login information with others.

Use passphrases (as opposed to passwords) as they're more secure.

Have different passphrases for different accounts.

Use multifactor authentication (MFA) to prevent threat actors from gaining access to your accounts.

Don't run or install a software program if you don't know what it is. 

Read MPS' Cybersecurity Awareness emails. These emails keep you updated on new phishing and social engineering tactics.

Take Home Materials

Lesson 9 | Summary

Effective trainings often include take home materials, like handouts, which act as a constant reinforcement of the learning. For this training, I developed a course summary sheet. The course summary sheet provides a list of terminology learned, and includes the most important learning objective from the training- signs to identify phishing attempts.

Cybersecurity Fundamentals Course Summary Sheet