Cybersecurity - Phishing Awareness

​2023 | Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) 

Project Overview

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, users are able to:

1. identify phishing and

2. know what actions to take to address phishing attempts.

Project Details

Software: Illustrator and Articulate Rise

Deliverables: Illustrations, Videos, SCORM package (course), and companion materials

Audience: All MPS employees

Duration: 20 minutes

Planning Quan's Delivery

Lesson 6

Inspired by the Black Mirror: Bandersnatch special, one of my personal goals for this project was to include a branching pathway scenario activity.

In the resource below, click the Open Document button in the top right corner to check out planning process for the activity.

Cybersecurity: Phishing Awareness - Quan's Delivery

Companion Materials

In addition to the course, other companion materials were assembled to improve the efficiency of the training launch. The course included a helpful video showing employees how to report phishing. Additionally, I created a poster to go up in teacher lounges throughout Minneapolis Public Schools.  

Report Phishing in Outlook (VIDEO)

Lesson 6


7 Signs of Phishing (HANDOUT)

Click the Open Document button in the top right corner to expand.